Vocabulary Flash Cards

The purpose of the exercise is to help you learn new vocabulary

To go to the next word, click PROXIMUM. For the meaning of the word, click PROXIMUM again. To skip a word you already know, click DELE.
most free, very free līberrimus, -rima, -rimum
most beautiful, very beautiful pulcherrimus, -rima, -rimum
fiercest, very fierce ācerrimus, -rima, -rimum
easiest, very easy facillimus, facillima, facillimum
humblest, very humble humillimus, humillima, humillimum
good, better, best bonus, melior, optimus
(down from), worse, worst (dē), dēterior, dēterrimus
(outside), outer, farthest (extrā), exterior, extrēmus
(below), lower, lowest (infrā), inferior, infimus
thin gracilis, gracile
(inside), interior, innermost (intrā), interior, intimus
big, bigger, biggest magnus, maior, maximus
bad, worse, worst malus, peior, pessimus
much, more, most multus, plūs, plūrimus
small, smaller, smallest parvus, minor (minus), minimus
(after), later, last (post), posterior, postrēmus
(in front of), former, first (prae), prior, prīmus
(near), nearer, nearest (prope), propior, proximus
(above), higher, highest (suprā), superior, suprēmus
(beyond), farther, farthest (ultrā), ulterior, ultimus
humble humilis, humile
well bene
easily facile
greatly magnopere
badly male
much multum
not much parum
greatly more most magnopere magis maximē
much more most multum plūs plūrimum
little less least parum minus minimē
before at first/first prius prīmō/prīmum
stealthily furtim
meanwhile interim
at some time ōlim
partly partim
everywhere passim
gradually paulātim
immediately statim
word for word verbātim
here hīc
there illīc
from here hinc
from there illinc
to here hūc
to there illūc
around circā/-um
inside intrā
outside extrā
near(by) prope
below infrā
above suprā
like, similar to similis, simile + gen. or dat.